Saturday, September 6, 2008


Who am I in the context of the OCLS?

To answer this question superficially: I am a TCSS at the Washington Park Library.
To address this question in a more complex manner: I am an educator who tries to approach the role seriously. I see my role as something more than just the steward of technology at the branch, or a sounder of prerecorded instructions and information.
I envision myself as part of a larger effort to try and even the playing field, to reduce the gap in the digital divide, and part of a humanist effort aimed at giving people the tools they need to affect the world.

"Give a man a fish; feed him for a day, teach a man to fish; feed him for a lifetime." - Lao Tzu

What I hope to achieve with the OCLS Learn 2.1:

Being young and technologically savvy, I have already experienced much of what we have discussed so far in the learn 2.1 courses; however, it is my hope that I may gain some different perspective on the subjects at hand. It would be great if my traditional view of the technology could be expanded, or altered to see some previously obscured potential.

1 comment:

OCLS Learn 2.0 said...

Welcome to the course Learning! We are glad you joined us! While you may be an "old" pro as far as the technology is concerned, Learn 2.1 goes beyond the tech and will look at how the changes that tech brings will affect us.
